Fake Brown Thomas - Facebook Scam Warning

Following our post yesterday regarding a fake Dunnes Stores page, it looks like the scammers are back with a fake Brown Thomas page. They're looking for page likes and shares to get as many profile details as possible - if you've been caught out - DON'T CLICK on any link sent by the page! 

What do they want?

As usual, they're looking for likes, shares and comments, trying to get as many profile details and as much user information as possible. Don't be tempted by the offer!

What will actually happen?

At best, you'll get spammed after liking the page. At worst, you'll get a link sent to you saying you've won a voucher. DO NOT CLICK on the link - it will likely be ransomware and/or malware and you may lose control of your laptop or mobile device! 

What should I do?

  • Remove the link from your page by clicking the like button again and delete your comments.
  • Report the page to Facebook as fraudulent.
  • Again, DON'T click on any links from the page! 

If you see another link like this, you can share it with us. We'll have a quick check and publish an alert if it is fake. The easiest way to tell is just to check when the page was set up. 


If you have a Yahoo email account, you NEED to read this!


Spam Alert - Fake Dunnes Stores Competition on Facebook