Adult dating app Tinder - at a school near you?

We have learnt very recently from educators and concerned parents as well as the media that the adult dating app Tinder is being used by Children as young as 13 both on school grounds and at home.

As many as 22% of secondary school children are using Tinder with the highest % in Cork - despite the fact that the app is strictly for adults.

Apart from the obvious exposure to adults on the app, kids are also at risk of sharing their physical location with other Tinder users as the app uses the GPS capability of your child's digital device to pin-point their location.

What can you do as a parent to restrict your child from using Tinder and other adult apps?

If they already have the app, you need to delete it first. You can then quite easily restrict your child from downloading apps unsuitable for their age, or you can restrict them from downloading new apps altogether so you can control what apps they can use and which not.

Find the relevant "how to" video tutorial on our website or click "learn how to" below.


How can I restrict my child from using adult apps such as Tinder?



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